16 May, 2008

I don't feed my child...


I start work early - 7am (which is way too early for my liking but it means I can pick up Chickie after school). So, this means J takes Chickie to school and then heads off to work himself. One day a week J studies (he's doing a computer programming degree) so he drops Chickie off at his grandmother's place and she takes him to school.

So yesterday, Chickie woke up while I was still here and came and gave me a cuddle. I reminded him that his dad would take him round to his grandmothers and he smiled and said,

"I like going to nanny's place, do you know why?"

I asked why, and the answer was,

"Because she has food!!"*

* Apparently if it's not a chocolate biscuit, a packet of chips or a bowl of Milo breakfast cereal, it doesn't count as food...


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for that! I'd hate to see him starve...

Anonymous said...

I must admit, I have days where 'food' has to be chips or chocolate, thogh they only tend to happen about once a month....

Anonymous said...

Funny :)

The Phosgene Kid said...

Things are always more fun a granny's house, because it is every grandma's mission in life to spoil their grand children...

meggie said...

Uh OH, I try so hard not to be the chocky giver!
It is lovely to indulge a grandchild without guilt though!!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA!! hilarious!

k2 said...

chocolate is a food group all its own! I'm a huge fan and indulge everyday. Thank God I know how to count carbs & bolus ;)

Melinda said...

My mother-in-law once fed my child ice cream for breakfast. Because he asked for it. I told her that, gasp, you could have said "no". She was shocked.

Steve said...

Spoiling your grand-kids is a way of getting back at your kids. I'm surprised no-one has mentioned that.

I just wish my stepdaughters would hurry up and supply some ammo.