19 October, 2008

It's amazing...

what a bit of exercise and achievement will do for you.

Lately I've been up and down a bit but right now I feel like I'm on the top of the world. The reason? Well, today was the grading for karate. J, Chickie and I have been going for a while now and probably should have gone to grading months ago - but tournaments, New Zealand trips and various other things got in the way. So, today was it.

I was so nervous yesterday and today (well ok I've been a little nervous about it for ages). I was positive I wasn't going to make it - but guess what? I DID!! J and I officially have our yellow belts in GKR Karate.

Chickie didn't want to do the grading so we didn't push him, but we'd still like him to go to the classes. I don't really blame him to be honest, it was quite tough. Usually we'd have a lesson for about an hour but grading was for two hours. Talk about exhausting too! At one stage I thought I'd have to excuse myself to go throw up! Luckily I got that under control though.

So, right now I'm tired and my feet are a bit sore but I'm over the moon!


Anonymous said...


Stomper Girl said...

Well done!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the perfect antedote for feeling deflated!

Good on you.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Congratulations - I wish I could do something like that!

The Phosgene Kid said...

Congrats. Remind me never to pick a fight with you!!