19 March, 2009

lolcats strike again!

From icanhascheezburger.com...

I start work at 7am, so this is me when the alarm goes off:


Melinda said...

Who are you? Where is Carameana who hasn't posted in forever and suddenly posts a million times in a few days? Hmmm?

My eyes are screwed shut in the mornings until I get a little caffeine.

caramaena said...

Bit of a shock to the system huh?

Truth is it's a mix of being slack about posting/not having a lot to say/getting sucked into World of Warcraft and raiding/feeling like it wasn't quite right to blog about my trivial stuff when the Victorian fire tragedy happened (some of those horror stories still bring tears).

Let's see if I can keep it up huh?

Anonymous said...

Love the cat picture - I'm a blogger and saw your site on SUM - the name intrigued me, so here I am! I've read through some of your posts and enjoy what you have to say.

Sheri @ http://www.nosugarneeded.blogspot.com

My float said...

Oh, yeah. That looks very familiar!

she said: said...

I thought you'd never come back.

meggie said...

I know that feeling!!
I used to be a night person, then I changed into a morning person.... now I am neither!