17 April, 2009

Oh my aching shoulders...

J, Chickie and I have been doing karate for a while now. We all have our yellow belts (J and I have our orange tips even) and I'm only a month or so from grading for my orange belt. J's a little behind me because unfortunately he's been sick a couple of times. I'll probably hold off grading until he's able to go too - not only because it's fun to practice together, but I'm not the most coordinated person on the planet, so a few extra lessons for me will definitely be useful!

During the school holidays GKR Karate often has special lessons and other fun events on. This week they've opened up the Sensei (teacher) classes to everyone. I went along to one last night and omg! Those guys are fit!! The Sensei from our dojo was there and she barely broke a sweat - she looked as cool as a cucumber while I was a puddle of sweat. The class went for an hour and a half - though it felt like I'd been there for 5 hours before we got a drink break. I think I downed about a litre and a half of water during and after the class (mostly after).

It was a lot of fun though. Seeing how well the moves can be performed, when the black belts do it, is amazing. It was also good to see that even the teachers mess up some of the moves sometimes (it warms my little uncoordinated heart hehe). The Sensei taking the class also performed one of the black belt katas. That was so cool to watch. I wonder if I'll ever be able to reach that level. It's certainly a looooong way from here though.

Anyway, I think my poor little achy shoulders deserve some TLC - so I'm off for a massage :)


Melinda said...

I'd say aching shoulders are worth a massage.

High Power Rocketry said...

: )

My float said...

Karate = massage. Sounds like a fair deal to me!

Anonymous said...

This is something I'd really like to do, and after reading your post I think I will look into cllasses. Thanks for the inspiration!