13 August, 2007


I love icanhascheezburger.com - good for a giggle on a Monday morning...


Holly Muppet said...

We love icanhascheezburger too! It's always good for a laugh.

caramaena said...

h&s - I even sent one in - don't think it made the cut though.

melinda - our cats are female but submit 'scratch to pieces' for your 'chew things' and they'd be exactly the same!

[] said...

My absolute favorite way to waste time at work...well, second only to Cute Overload.

meggie said...

Thanks for that link. Made me smile!

caramaena said...

monicker - I love cute overload too.

meggie - np. There are some cute and funny pet ones out there. Monicker mentioned cute overload and I also love stuff on my cat/mutt.

In case you haven't seen them:
