13 April, 2007

Some days things just 'click'

J's mum had a 'big' birthday recently and they're throwing a huge birthday party this Saturday. I think she said, at one stage, that almost 100 people were invited - but quite few won't be able to actually make it.

So I've been making an effort to lose weight in the last 18 months and it is slowly working (though it seems to have stalled lately). One problem with losing weight is that your old clothes don't tend to fit very well and you literally have nothing to wear.

Of course, one of the good things about losing weight is that your old clothes don't tend to fit very well and you literally have nothing to wear - so you have to buy new ones!

Well, ok I could make do with the shirts/tops I already have but all my 'good' pants are getting to the annoying 'hitching them up every few minutes or they will fall off like you see in funniest home videos' stage. It's not a good look.

I figured this was a good excuse to go have a look for something new. I went shopping yesterday and was completely disheartened. I couldn't find anything I liked at all. Nothing really excited me and the one or two things I thought might do in a stretch, were out of my size. It was looking like I'd have to wear jeans (not really what I wanted to wear - I live in my jeans already).

Today however, I went to the bank and then thought I'd drop into the shops nearby. Found a classic pair of black pants - dressy rather than business wear. Then I found this cute little shrug shouldered top in a deep red. I tried it on, and even better - had to go get the next size down!

So I'm all set for tomorrow night now. It feels good to find just the right outfit :)


The Phosgene Kid said...

I am more of a "come as you are" kind of guy. Of course wearing uniforms a good part of my life kind of dulled any fashion sense I might have had.

Edward said...

I am using the uniform excuse, too, phosgene. Truth is I never had any fashion sense before hand either. I only own two suits and I always ask a woman which I should wear when I need to wear one. I have a pair of khakis and a pair of navy dockers for church. Everything else is jeans and t-shirt.

As for losing the weight, WTG!

caramaena said...

J's the sort of come as you are person as well, eduardo - you have one more suit than he does! Mind you, the dressiest thing we usually attend is stuff like his mum's party and while it was dressy, it wasn't suit dressy. If you know what I mean! He really only wears suits to weddings and job interviews.

Thanks also eduardo - this weight is a bit of a tough battle for me. It's taking a loooong time to come off but I'm hoping that means it will stay off.