04 December, 2006

Urban Ninja

Saw this on someone's blog and had to share.


velcro said...

Wow! I so want to be able to do that!

George said...

That is awesome although being a dad, all i can do is feel sorry for his parents during his terrible two's! WOW!

High Power Rocketry said...

Yeah this guy is good.

I have more vids if you ever wanted, of guys like this doing some crazy tricks.

Steve said...

The ourdoor stuff is a bit like Parkour, the kind of thing you see Jackie Chan doing in his movies.

I'd like to be in that good shape.

caramaena said...

Ah is that what its called carmelo? Thanks.

velcro - me too! Even just a little :)

Heh george, my son is just a normal kid and I can barely keep up with him. I can't imagine how fit this guys parents would have had to have been!

r2k - yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing more. You can email me if you'd rather - caramaena at gmail dot com

steve I love Jackie Chan's stuff. J fave is the Drunken Master movies. I wouldn't mind being in that kind of shape either

My float said...

Ah, the human flea. I'm blessed I'm not his mother. I'd be a blathering mess!

caramaena said...

ditto my float!