02 August, 2007

Is there something I'm missing here?

Ok, for those of you who are women and exercise, perhaps you can explain something to me...

What is the point of those 'shelf bras' in work out shirts?

Are you supposed to wear a bra with them or are you supposed to use the shelf bra only? I would have thought that a shelf bra wouldn't be enough support during exercise, even for the under endowed. But then, wouldn't you get too hot and sweaty having that extra layer in that area, if you're wearing a bra as well?? Or am I the only one who 'glows'* copiously in that area?

So what's the point of them - can anyone enlighten me?

* My mum always said 'horses sweat, men perspire and women glow'.


Stomper Girl said...

Well, I don't know ezzackly what you mean by shelf bras but I once bought a sports lycra top with a built-in crop-top type bra and swear to god it felt like it was trying to strangle my breasts or flatten them to pancakes. And I am by no means well-endowed. So me and my breasts will join you in your confusion.

caramaena said...


That crop top type bra is what I'm talking about. I just don't get it...

Melinda said...

It doesn't work for me. Have to have the sports bra too. I need the boobs to be strapped down and going NOWHERE.... IF I *were* working out. Instead, I sit in the recliner eating chocolate chip mint icecream and ruining my brain with television and romance novels.

Zazzy said...

If you will please forgive me, I believe the shelf bra is designed for women who don't actually have breasts.

Clearly designed by a man.

Oh great One said...

I used to glow. Now that I live down south I SWEAT profusely!

I have no help for your query. Try it both ways to see which works best maybe?

Dogbait said...

Opps, wrong door!

Anonymous said...

You can safely sit on your couch at home without any bra at all. That is what I recommend!

Steve said...

I can't profess to being an expert in this area (being a bloke), but I've always assumed that the idea of those sports tops is indeed to strangle what ever you've got, so that it doesn't move.

[] said...

Shelf bras are evil. I cut them out immediately upon returning from the mall. They have a horrible way of squishing my almost-nothing into an area of defecit. Not pretty at all.

The Phosgene Kid said...

I don't know, but that cabinet bra is really baffling...

meggie said...

Dont ask me. I dont exercise.

caramaena said...

melinda - mmm choc chip mint icecream :) I need the exercise if I want any of that!

zazzy - I think you're right personally.

ogo - I know what you mean. When I get on that bike I sweat like a pig. J's always saying 'no, you're glowing like a pig' lol

db - I did consider putting up a warning ;)

tracey - lol!

steve - I can see that, but the top I've got doesn't do that, so I'm inclined to do what monicker does and cut it out.

monicker - considering doing just that. I've decided it's useless for me and I really don't need an extra layer there to keep the heat in.

phos - you crack me up :)

meggie - I wish I didn't have to, but apparently daily exercise is beneficial when you have diabetes, even if you don't need to lose weight. Unfortunately I'm still at least 5 kg's over my personal goal. The kilos just aren't shifting lately though so I really need to up my exercise :(

LBA said...

I still need a bra, so if I buy one of these, I feel like i'm being cut into by swords.

Lucky I don't excercise .. i'm saving that for 2010...